Learning Diversity Series (1) - Gamified Blended Learning: Strengthening Motivation, Interaction, and Feedback Practices in the Post-pandemic Era
**All teachers at primary and secondary schools are welcome**
Date and Time: 16 April 2024, 17:00-18:00 (Online via Zoom)
Application form: https://hkbu.questionpro.com/t/AUckrZ1v6J
The post-pandemic days are filled with overwhelming but not necessarily well-justified requests for a hybrid delivery mode across school settings. Ill-prepared implementation of such a policy is likely to impose additional pedagogical expectations and enormous cognitive demand on teachers. Garrison (2007) argues that learning occurs when there is concrete evidence of teaching, social, and cognitive presence in the lesson. Gamified blended learning is hopeful to help teachers maintain a good level of these presences while taking into consideration intertwining factors such as learner attributes and motivation (Wilkins (2023); Joia et al. (2021); Joshi et al. (2020)). In particular, gamified lessons and debriefing could encourage and enable engagement, peer interactivity, as well as enhanced feedback loop through presenting students with suitable challenges within a well-facilitated, less-public, and reassuring learning space (Cornelius & Gordon, 2013).
This talk is set to (i) flag potential discrepancies in teachers’ and students’ perception on what makes effective online learning (e.g., Douglas, 2023; Chakraborty et al., 2020), (ii) introduce different types of gamification in educational settings, as well as to (iii) offer pointers and examples that could inform teacher practitioners’ practice in addressing learner diversity in online and in-person classrooms. It aims to address the practicality of facilitating peer collaborations and providing multiple layers of feedback targeted at individual learners and groups working in different spaces, against the traditional whole-class level feedback, through differentiated instructions. Crucially, the objective of this session is also to empower teachers who might, sometimes, feel uncertain about their digital competence and autonomy.
Date and Time
16 April 2024, 17:00-18:00
Online via Zoom
Mr Ivan Au (Teaching Facilitator in the Vice-Chancellor’s Colloquium and a Senior Editor of the Graduate Inequality Review)
Application Form
Please contact the organiser - Hong Kong Baptist University's Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning: 3411 5351 / chtl@hkbu.edu.hk
(This event is regarded as one of the extended learning activities of Part 4 in the Blended Learning Innovations Certificate Course)